SafPlast — is the expert in manufacturing transparent plastic sheets. This unique combination of quality, range and price range. Organized system of sales of products via authorized dealers makes the company an indispensable partner in large-scale projects and major system deliveries, and for small business and private buyer.
SafPlast is a scientific center of innovation in the polymer industry. One of our most successful developments is lightactive Bio layer for polycarbonate Actual!Bio. We are also curators of the initiative group develop National Standard of polycarbonate (released in 2016) and a set of rules for designing.
SafPlast pays special attention to product quality and ensures the following activities:
input control of raw materials
continuous production control
systematic quality control samples of manufactured products
A key role in quality control belongs to SafPlast TCI (technical control Department). TCI has a certified laboratory that is equipped with modern equipment. TCI conducts quality control of incoming raw materials and every batch of finished products. Also TCI in conjunction with the engineering group conducts research on the development of new products and additional analytical studies (for example, a comparison of the properties of the products).
Laboratory SafPlast for each batch to measure the following indicators: the coefficient of light transmission, the thickness of the UV-protective layer, the strength properties of sheets and panels, the linear thermal shrinkage.
Laboratory SafPlast is working on R&D in cooperation with leading scientific organizations (the Butlerov Chemical Institute, KSTU, GUP Niimosstroy, NPO "State Institute of applied optics" and TATNIISKH), aimed at improving product quality and providing additional properties of materials.
ООО «СафПласт» или компания SafPlast Innovative – завод №1 в России по производству полимерных экструзионных листов. Профиль деятельности компании — производство, хранение и отгрузка потребителям листов из поликарбоната, акрилового стекла и комплектующих. Завод производит широкий ассортимент сотового и монолитного поликарбоната, акрилового стекла и поликарбонатных профилей под собственными брендами Novattro и Actual!
Текст кредитного лимита, который должен объяснять что это такое и вводить в курс дела.
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